Become a Member
Brief History and Membership Information
The South Carolina Grantmakers Network was formed in 1997 by a hand full of South Carolina Foundation CEO’s who wanted a chance to meet and interact with fellow funders on a regular basis. Over the years, the Grantmakers Network has played a role in understanding major issues that affect South Carolina communities and those who live there. Most recently, the Network played a vital role in addressing the devastating flood in the state. Many funders collaborated together to help those with the greatest need. South Carolina based Foundations collectively have assets totaling more than $2.3 billion. Annual giving from Foundations based in South Carolina is more than $150 million.
The Network is a membership organization that supports around 40 Foundations across the state and is governed by a Steering Committee. The types of Foundations included are Family Foundations, Community Foundations, Private Foundations, Health Legacy Foundations, and Corporate Foundations. The intent of the Network is to share ideas and knowledge in a collegial manner with fellow grantmaking organizations in South Carolina or those who are in the region and fund in the state. Those who participate include Foundation CEO’s, other senior leadership, program officers, grants managers, Board members and communication professionals. Membership is limited to those who qualify as a philanthropic/grantmaking entity. Membership requests are reviewed by the Steering Committee and voted on by the full membership.
If you think you would qualify for membership in the Network, you can send your request, name, address, and name of organization to Langley Shealy, Network Administrator, at for further information.