Bunnelle Foundation Announces $405,000 in Grant Awards
Posted on November 15th, 2016
The Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation recently awarded $405,000 in its “Grants for the Common Good” program to twenty-six organizations working in Georgetown County. This competitive grant cycle was completed in late October.
Geales Sands, Executive Director, said, “These nonprofits all share our goal of improving the quality of life for our County’s residents. We are pleased and proud to support them. We hope that everyone will consider giving their time, talent and treasure to these fine organizations.”
Three areas of the Bunnelle Foundation mission were addressed in this cycle. Awards made in the area of “Meeting Basic Human Needs” were to American Red Cross, Birthright of Georgetown, Caring and Sharing, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Charleston, Children’s Recovery Center, Family Justice Center of Georgetown County, Georgetown County Diabetes CORE Group, Georgetown County Water & Sewer District, Impact America – South Carolina, Low Country Veterans Group, Lowcountry Food Bank, Martha’s House, St. Cyprian Church Outreach Center, and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church – Backpack Buddies Program.
Awards made in the area of “Promoting Economic Vitality” were to A Father’s Place, Alliance for Economic Development for Georgetown County, Amazing Journey, Friendship Place, Georgetown County Library, Helping Hands of Georgetown, and The Mitney Project.
Awards made in the area of “Preserving the Environment” were to American Rivers, Murrells Inlet 2020, South Carolina Environmental Law Project, The Nature Conservancy, and Winyah Rivers Foundation.
The next available competitive cycle begins on November 28, 2016 and will address the Bunnelle Foundation mission areas of “Addressing the Root Causes of Poverty” and “Encouraging Positive Youth Development.” Please visit www.bunnelle.org for more information.
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Amy Downing, Program Officer
843.237.1222 | adowning@bunnelle.org